How to use SpringLOCK Security Picture Fixings

SpringLOCK Method 1 (Side to side)

The SpringLOCK is a two part component consisting of a Bridge and a Locking Spring Insert. The concept of the invention of SpringLOCK was simply to replace the screw-eyes and string method of the traditionally hung picture with a securely fixed, safe and hidden, anti-theft method.

Initially only a SpringLOCK either side of a frame in the same position as the screw-eyes was proposed and still remains the simplest and fastest method to use.

SpringLOCK Method 2 (Hanging Plate)

As the requirement for greater security for valuable works of art and pictures increased, SpringLOCK Limited developed its range of products. Although additional SpringLOCKs can be used on any frame if extra security demands, another bracket called the Top Slot Bracket was introduced as a replacement for one or more of the two part SpringLOCKs.

Instead of using more SpringLOCKs on any frame, the Top Slot Brackets can be substituted. By using these, additional fixings can be added economically, saving costs and installation time.