SpringLOCK Security Picture Fixings
SpringLOCK Security Picture Fixings offer, the professional and amateur, a simple and effective method of hanging pictures, artwork, canvases and mirrors to all types of wall.

SpringLOCK Design
Designed and produced by a contract picture supplier to the corporate and leisure industry, frustrated by the shortcomings of fixings available on the market, SpringLOCK offers many advantages.
Once installed, the fixings provide an anti-theft protection and remain hidden from view.
SpringLOCKs have become a market leader in security picture fixings used in the United Kingdom today and are used in many other parts of the world.
The original concealed security fixing for hanging pictures
Quick and easy to install
Simple ‘push in’ locking mechanism
Pictures can be fitted faster than by using any other security fixing offered on the market today, saving £££’s in labour costs.
- Any type of conventional screw can be used.
- SpringLOCK’s design allows for a slight tolerance of inaccuracy when drilling and plugging a wall.
- SpringLOCK is very easy to level accurately.
- Use of a simple ‘push in’locking mechanism.

Fittings are hidden from view
SpringLOCK allows the choice of any type of wall plug or plasterboard fixing and can even be used with self tapping screws into sheet steel walls. SpringLOCK is ideal for ships & boats.
SpringLOCK can be fitted to all types of walls, old or new, solid or hollow without any fuss.
SpringLOCK fits items closer to the wall, is neater and hides its release mechanism from view.
Using the security tool
SpringLOCK fixings used on artworks or mirrors, once installed on a wall can only be released using the special SpringLOCKRelease Tool, providing a reliable anti-theft system.
To assist in the simple assembly of a picture when using more than two SpringLOCKs on a frame, the SpringLOCK Release and Marker Tool helps mark your screw positions accurately.
See How to Use, Method 2.

For Extra Security: The SpringLOCK Top Slot hanging bracket

When extra security is needed for fixing your pictures or even heavy mirrors, any number of SpringLOCKs can be used.
Alternatively you can substitute SpringLOCKs with Top Slot Hanging Brackets at the top of frames together with SpringLOCKs at the bottom of the frame to lock the picture onto the wall. This reduces your costs and can increase the speed of installation.
The Top Slot Brackets can be used in a number of combinations with SpringLOCK, but only experience and practice will determine one’s own personal preference.
It is recommended that installers using multiple fixings on their picture frames, use the SpringLOCK Release and Marker Tool.
See Method 2 for further information.